1we'd like more government info on working with an architect |
Ask an Architect is an invaluable tool for anyone wanting to know more about the profession and how it can help them navigate the various method of engaging with an architect, from renovations to a new home.
Sometimes the hardest thing to do when starting a project is actually starting. Ask an Architect can help guide and advise you through this process. From start to finish. |
2what is the NCC
The NCC is an initiative of the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) developed to incorporate all on-site building and plumbing requirements into a single code.
The NCC sets the minimum requirements for the design, construction and performance of buildings throughout Australia. |
3what about a general overview of the whole building process? |
The Australian Government has a fantastic website called "Your Home" that is dedicated to assisting people navigating the design, architecture and building path, often for the first time.
Have a browse, it is extensive and incredibly informative. |
4can we get some advice on our existing building? |
Archicentre is a national provider of design, advice and inspection services to Australian home buyers, builders, renovators, business owners, property investors, designers, draftspersons, governments and businesses, providing a range of high quality property services.
5we would like to know more about the architecture profession |
The Australian Institute of Architects is a great place to start.
Their portal website will point you to many interesting avenues of the profession, including how to "find an architect" suitable for your project and outstanding examples of architecture across a range of scales and the awards that support these projects. |
6what might we be able to do with our land? |
The government Land and Property Information website has everything it says; detailed information about both land AND properties, including info on subdivisions, strata by-laws and transferring titles.
7we'd like to work with wood, please |
Timber is an amazing material, one that literally grows on trees...Bad joke, but in all honesty, have a look at these sites for some advice on why building with timber is a sustainable idea. You can also get some inspiration on your next building project, then give us a call!
8what can we do to our home to reduce our emissions? |
The Beyond Zero Emissions group have published this report.
The Zero Carbon Australia Buildings Plan is the first comprehensive, nationwide plan to retrofit Australia’s buildings. This plan demonstrates how all existing buildings can reach zero emissions from their operation within ten years. It sets out how Australia can transform its building stock to reduce energy bills, generate renewable energy, add health and comfort to our living spaces, and make our workplaces more productive. |
9where can we look for some australian authority on "green" ideas? |
The Green Building Council of Australia is a fantastic resource for the very height of all things "green" who are "committed to developing a sustainable property industry for Australia by encouraging the adoption of green building practices".
A major objective of the GBCA is the implementation of the Green Star rating system, which uses a variety categories to evaluate the environmental design and construction of buildings and communities. |
10how can I determine what kind of house I live in? |
The Victorian Government has a fantastic website outlining the characteristics of their various house types.
Have a look and see if your home fits into any of these categories. |
11where can we look for industry-standard architectural literature? |
12what is "NATHERS" and why do we need it as part of our development application? |
The Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS) is a national framework for the purpose of regulating how Australian homes are rated for their thermal performance.
The system encourages energy efficient building design and construction by providing a reliable way to estimate and rank the potential thermal performance of residential buildings in Australia. NatHERS is overseen by a steering committee that includes representatives from the Australian Government and all state and territory governments. |
13interested in alternative economies? |
14we are interested in getting in touch with House of Origin |
House of Origin would love to hear from you for help with any project or repurposed items you have in mind.